Saturday, February 15, 2020

Vaccine Contents - A Witch’s Brew!


Vaccine Contents  - A Witch’s Brew!

During the last 30 years, the number of vaccines given to babies has quadrupled from 10 to over 40 on average and over 70 by school age. This rise is coincident with a dramatic increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorders (latest estimate is 1 in 6 of those vaccinated). Shockingly, it is strictly an increase in vaccinations responsible for this catastrophe.

The basic theory of vaccination is to inject a small sample of an attenuated virus or bacteria into the body to stimulate antibodies in order to jumpstart an immune response. However, injection of live viruses, even attenuated ones can cause the disease the vaccine was intended to prevent (admitted by Dr Jonas Salk  associated with the polio vaccine).

Combining multiple drugs in different Vaccines can and does lead to unpredictable results, especially detrimental to Babies and Young Children. This tragedy is further compounded when 38 vaccines (drug doses) are given in the first 18 months of the baby’s life.

                       A Shot in the Dark (2020 Documentary on Vaccines)

           Antigens  -  weakened germs or disease fragments designed to                  Induce an Immune response               

                    Viruses (eg Polio, Measles, Mumps)                    

                       Bacteria (eg Bordetella Pertussis)

                       Toxoids  (eg Clostridium tetani)


         Growth Mediums – help viruses reproduce

Chick embryo fibroblasts

Chick kidney cells

Mouse Brains

African Green Monkey kidney cells

Human diploid cultured from aborted human fetuses

       (MRC-5, RA-27/3, WI-38)


          Adjuvants – to enhance immunity

*Aluminum Salts (linked to neurological disorders)

           Squalene (possibly derived from Anthrax and Swine Flu vaccine   


 Preservatives – to stop microbial contamination of vaccines

*Thimerosal (Mercury) - actual serious toxin

Benzethonium chloride – suspected Endocrine toxin

2 Phenoxyethanol (chemically similar to antifreeze)

Phenol is a suspected blood, developmental, liver, kidney,                         respiratory, and sense organ toxin


   Stabilizers – used to inhibit chemical reactions and prevent                                       vaccine contents from separating and sticking

Fetal Bovine calf serum

MSG helps stabilize vaccine when exposed to heat or light

Human Serum Albumin to stabilize live viruses

Porcine pig gelatin protects against extreme temps, 

can cause severe allergic reactions


  Antibiotics -  used to prevent bacterial growth during production

Neomycin a developmental and suspected neuro toxin

Streptomycin a suspected blood and sense organ toxin

Polymycin B a suspected liver and kidney toxin


  Additives  -  Buffers, dlluents, emulsifiers, solvents

Sodium Chloride – probably benign

Egg protesuspected bloodins and yeast can cause severe reactions

Ammonium sulfate a suspected liver, neuro toxin

Glycerin a suspected liver, blood, neuro toxin

Sodium Borate a suspected blood, liver, neuro toxin

Polysorbate 80 a suspected skin and sensory toxin

*Hydrochloric acid suspected liver, immune, respiratory toxin

Sodium Hydroxide suspected respiratory, skin, sensory toxin

Potassium Chloride suspected blood, liver, respiratory toxin


           Inactivating Chemicals - Kill unwanted viruses and bacteria

                    *Formaldehyde (Formalin) (AKA Embalming fluid) a known                carcinogen, suspected liver, immune, reproductive, respiratory toxin

                        Gutaraldehyde suspected developmental , immune toxin

                        Polyoxyethaline suspected Endocrine toxin  


(Note: Not all vaccines contain all the above substances. As vaccines have different functions the contents may vary.  

Especially dangerous items marked with an *asterisk)

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