Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Vaccine Vortex - Vaccines A Contributary Cause of Cancer

Vaccine Vortex - Vaccines A Contributary Cause of Cancer


"Vaccine Vortex - Devouring Innocent Children"

During the last 30 years, the number of vaccines given to babies has quadrupled from 10 to over 40 on average and over 70 by school age. This rise is coincident with a dramatic increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Shockingly, it isn't an increase in epidemic diseases causing this disaster but an increase in vaccinations, in effect - a pandemic of vaccines.

Vaccines were first developed to prevent epidemics like smallpox. The basic theory was to inject a small sample of an attenuated virus into the body to stimulate antibodies in an attempt to jumpstart an immune response. However, it has often been found that injection of live viruses, even attenuated ones can cause the disease the vaccine was intended to prevent (as admitted by Dr Jonas Salk with the polio vaccine). After years of mandating the cowpox vaccine in England and Japan, the death rates skyrocketed and the vaccines were eventually stopped.

In 1976, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) sponsored a national vaccination campaign for the previously unheard of Swine Flu; in fact, there had not been a single case in the country except amongst pigs. Some months after President Ford endorsed the campaign on CBS TV, thousands started feeling the toxic effects of the vaccine and claims of paralysis resulted in lawsuits and damages against the drug companies totaling $1.3 billion. 

An even greater tragedy was the inadvertent inclusion of the SV40 cancer virus in the polio vaccines given to over 90 million Americans in the 1950's and '60's. Even after the virus was discovered, the government kept it secret and the national vaccine campaign continued its course. Over recent decades, tumors bearing the SV40 signature have been discovered in the lungs, brains and lymph systems of thousands of cancer patients. 

The US healthcare industry is run by a Medical Cartel encompassing Federal regulators (such as the FDA, NIH, CDC) and giant Pharmaceutical companies posting sales in excess of half a trillion dollars. Vaccines comprise a major portion of this cash flow as does Cancer Therapy. Both are vital to the gross profitability regardless of how many people are actually killed, injured or immunized.


Must see:  Gary Null's "Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines" providing the personal stories of many families tragically affected and medical experts who support them.


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