Concerning books on the topic of Cancer which has
become a worldwide epidemic, “Cancer Vortex” is based on extensive research
into cancer treatment and the transformation of the American Medical System
into a tightly controlled Cartel established by the Rockefeller clan in the
early 1900’s
It is especially relevant to study the background of the
transformation of the US Medical system in relation to Cancer Treatment. Under
the new AMA and FDA the system became more rigid and expensive, relying on Big
Pharma drugs and eliminating Homeopathic doctors.
Later in the century the cartel starting with cowpox then polio
developed a variety of vaccines ostensibly to prevent or cure an unending
sequence of afflictions.
especially at risk:
Vaccines harm millions of children every year in terms of autism, mental
retardation, learning disabilities, suppressed immune function and SIDS
(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Especially affected are babies under 12 months,
which haven't had a chance to fully develop an immune system and yet are
exposed to a sequence of vaccinations their bodies are not prepared for.
The Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR)
states that vaccinations may contain mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, SV40
virus, bovine serums, latex, neomycin and other known carcinogens and
allergens. Some of these toxins are injected into the bloodstream of babies as young
as one day old. In fact, no long term testing for efficacy or safety for any
vaccination has ever been done. Essentially, Big Pharma is using our babies
as their own guinea pigs.
“Cancer Vortex” appeals to:
Those who believe the US medical industry relying on
Big Pharma drugs is scandalously overpriced
Those seeking safe cancer treatments as alternatives to
rigid protocols like surgery, radiation and chemo therapy
And those seeking a lifelong cancer cure not just a 5
year survival statistic
Innovative safe cures that work with the body’s immune
system, not attacking it
Doctors who work with and understand patient concerns,
not a rigid authoritarian system which attacks the symptoms of cancer and not the underlying causes
A special focus is on Dr Otto Warburg who discovered the actual cause
of Cancer in the 1920’s, and his subsequent awarding of the Nobel prize, yet his achievement is ignored by the
Medical Cartel because it could challenge their gross profits.
According to Warburg, “The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of
oxygen in normal cells by the fermentation of glucose. Thus the root cause of
cancer is oxygen deprivation associated with an acidic state.”
Therefor the best way to deal with and cure Cancer is at the metabolic
level not by attacking the body with radiation and chemical toxins.
Also highlighted in the book are other great doctors and natural
healers like Max Gerson, Stanislaw Burzynski, Royal Rife, Ernst Krebs, Linus Pauling and others.
Concise summary. Where can i get it